He Was Born Without A Lower Spine, But He Didn’t Let That Stop Him From Doing The Impossible…

Royal Children’s Hospital

Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/

Although miraculously the holes in his heart had closed, he would still need to go through surgery to correct his feet problems. For Jett’s first two years of life, they would be in the Royal Children’s Hospital every single week, having Jett checked and learning how to help him cope with his disabilities. And not too long after the two years were up, Jett would eventually undergo his first surgery to help correct his feet deformities.

Starting To Walk

Source: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/

Jett’s first foot surgery had forced him to spend most of his time confined in the hospital, and afterwards, his legs and feet were covered in plaster for months at a time. According to his mom, “Before the surgery he could stand and take one or two steps, then he’d fall over.” But things began to look up from there.

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