He Was Born Without A Lower Spine, But He Didn’t Let That Stop Him From Doing The Impossible…

They Didn’t Understand

Source: https://uploads1.bundoo.com/

Amy and Leigh didn’t understand what was going on, and the doctors weren’t being forthcoming in the beginning. According to Amy, “They [the doctors] kept saying things like he had abnormal features and I just couldn’t understand what they meant, he looked like a gorgeous baby to me.”

Learning The Truth

Source: http://www.lifeline.ae/

Soon enough, Amy and Leigh would find out that their beloved infant son had quite a slew of medical issues. Not only was he born with three holes in his tiny little heart, he was required to undergo even more tests, which included an MRI. It was difficult for them to fathom that their newborn child had so many issues. And things were only going to get worse.

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