He Was Born Without A Lower Spine, But He Didn’t Let That Stop Him From Doing The Impossible…

Angels On Earth

Source: http://www.strathdalepharmacy.com.au/

The Strathdale Pharmacy employees, headed by their manager Caroline Marsh, decided that they were going to help Jett get the chair he needed. The employees had become close to the family since they were always there purchasing what they needed for Jett. Caroline shared, “All the girls here, we all know Amy really well and we all chat with her and we decided that we really wanted to do something to help her out.”

Donations From Everywhere

Source: Screenshot from https://www.theguardian.com.au/

Amy shares, “Caroline came up to me and said did I mind if they put up a picture of Jett and a bit about him and start raising some money for him, and look, it brought tears to my eyes because it’s nice to know that there’s caring people out there.” Caroline explained how, “He [Jett] came in one day on his walker and it was the most inspirational thing I have ever seen.” She and the rest of the employees just knew they needed to do something to help the family out.

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