She Was Kidnapped By Her Ex-Stepfather, And Was Forced To Bear His Children

Questioning The Police


When news got out about Rosalynn’s captivity, many people were wondering how the Philadelphia Police could have believed her story when she went to them when she was just 18 and had taken her off the missing children list. Robert Lowery, Vice President of the NCMEC, said, “We should be very careful about passing judgment because they were dealing with [someone] who was assuring them this was a circumstance that wasn’t what they thought. As sad as it is, and as much as we wish we had other facts back then, [law enforcement] may have had little choice when it came to whether or not to cancel the report.”

Under His Control


Rosalynn was obviously convincing enough for the police to take her off the list. Lowry goes on, “She [Rosalynn] was under his control. [Abducted children] have been subjected to unconscionable and unthinkable levels of abuse that none of us can imagine. They live in constant fear for their lives each and every day.”

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