30 Of The World’s Deadliest And Most Terrifying Dictators


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His victims included lawyers, homosexuals, journalists, and even students. He drove away Asians from his country, a move which brought his country’s economy to a near collapse. When his army was overpowered by the Tanzanian-led troops, he fled to Libya and finally settled in Saudi Arabia where he spent the last of his days until his death in 2003.

19. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (Bangladesh)

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was president of Bangladesh from 1971 to 1975. He ruled with iron hands and with ruthlessness that was so notoriously murderous that 45,000 lives were lost from the hands of his “Protective Force” alone. His establishment of Absolutism effectively placed him as a dictator, and he set out to put a stop to all political parties. Rahman crushed all opposition in his way, costing the lives of 20,000 and indirectly causing the deaths of millions of others.

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