30 Of The World’s Deadliest And Most Terrifying Dictators

2. Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong was the founder of the People’s Republic of China and is widely known to be the most ruthless among the communist revolutionaries. He stayed at the helm of communist China from 1949 to 1959. During his reign, he ruled with great terror among his fellow Chinese. He murdered a huge number of them in his infamous program called “Great Leap Forward” which threw people into hard labor and starvation in labor camps. Poverty fell into millions of Chinese, a misfortune which was largely attributed to Mao’s economic mismanagement. Tens of millions of Chinese perished as a direct result of Mao’s communist movement.

3. Leopold II

Leopold II was a colonial leader of Belgium who ruled from 1865 to 1909. He ruled with such ferocity and atrociousness. He enslaved and killed nearly 15 million Congolese, an act which was made under the guise of his Congo Free State. He pushed people into hard labor and used them for his own personal gain. He died in 1909.

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