17 Ways to Identify Kidney Stones: The Signs and Symptoms Of Nephrolithiasis

7. Extreme Back and Flank Pain

Source: https://share.upmc.com/

Kidney stones are formed when minerals lodge and accumulate inside the tiny structures of the kidneys called nephrons. At some point, these nephroliths become big enough to block the passage of urine as well as cause damage to the tissues surrounding it. These cause the kidneys to swell, causing pain to the patient.

Since the kidneys are organs located towards the rear of the abdomen, attached along the posterior walls of the peritoneal cavity, inflammation of these organs activate nerve receptors of the back, causing severe discomfort and pain which increase in intensity.

There are times when these kidney stones get dislodged and travel down the ureter, a hollow tube where urine coming from the kidney passes through to reach the bladder. When this happens, patients feel extreme cramping, contracting, and paralyzing pain on their flank, radiating down towards their groin.

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