He Claims The Devil Made Him Do It And How A Crow Caw Proved His Theory.

Cutting Out His Hair

Source: http://www.props.eric-hart.com

Ricky then suggested that the foursome use Gary’s hair to keep the fire burning. And before Gary could make his escape, Jimmy held Gary down while Ricky took out a switchblade and began roughly cutting off Gary’s hair, not caring that he was also cutting into Gary’s scalp at the same time.

Killing Gary

Source: https://sharathkomarrajudotcom

Gary soon realized that he might never make it out of the woods alive. And when he told Ricky, “I’m getting bad vibes that you want to hurt me…” Ricky harshly told him, “Hurt you? I don’t want to hurt you, I want to kill you!” and that’s exactly what he proceeded to do.

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