He Forgave The Man Who Took His Daughter’s Life But Will Make Sure Her Life Mattered

Believing It Would Help

Source: https://media-ncd.cmgdigital.com/

To make matters worse, it was said that Claire had gone to visit ‘the doctor’ believing that it was going to help her ‘finish her studies.’ It was apparent that this irrational thinking was what would put her in that position in the first place. As soon as the deadly combination was running through her veins, she would slump over, never to wake up again.

He Couldn’t Believe It

Source: https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/

After Perrett injected her, she would end up dying from the Claire’s father continued, “For the last year she wouldn’t speak any reasonable sense, until our last conversation, when she was better than she had been for a while. It was almost as though that was the end chapter. A few days later she was dead.”

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