He Forgave The Man Who Took His Daughter’s Life But Will Make Sure Her Life Mattered

No Winners

Source: http://recruit.college.police.uk/

One of the main police officers, Chief Inspector Richard Pegler explained, “This is a terribly sad case which highlights the very real risks of class A drug use. There are no winners here but I am pleased to have secured justice for Claire and my thoughts are with her family.”

Forgiving Her Killer

Source: http://worldzbesttripz.info/

Although more than a year has passed since Claire’s death, incredibly, her father shared with tears in his eyes that he has forgiven Perrett for the death of his daughter. He explained, “I felt sorry for Perrett in court. He looked like such a lone figure. There was no one there to support him. I genuinely believe he is a victim of drugs himself, the scourge of our society.”

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