He Forgave The Man Who Took His Daughter’s Life But Will Make Sure Her Life Mattered

Saying Goodbye To Claire

Source: https://nafd.org.uk/

Her father explains how hard it was to say goodbye to his beloved daughter. “There she was lying there in a box next to me. In a way there was some relief, as she will never be in any more pain.” But then, there was also the sadness in knowing that they will never be with her again. He continued, “She will never grow old and my memories of her are frozen in time. We miss her and I feel for the rest of the family. Her smile lives on forever.”

What Happened To Stephen Perrett?

Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/

As for the so-called man known as ‘The Doctor,’ Stephen Perrett, he had originally claimed that he had nothing to do with Claire dying. But then when he finally went to trial, he ended up changing his plea to guilty ‘on the basis he prepared a mixture of 185mls of the ‘snowball’ and injected 55mls into Ms. Drury and 135mls into himself.’ It was on January 29, 2018 at Gloucester Crown Court when he would get a 6-year sentence for second-degree murder.

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