He Forgave The Man Who Took His Daughter’s Life But Will Make Sure Her Life Mattered

She Had A Choice

Source: https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/

Stephen even shared, “Most of my friends say if he killed their daughter he wouldn’t have made it to court but there’s the reality here, nothing is going to bring Claire back. How do I know that if she hadn’t continued in her life she wouldn’t have ended up injecting someone else? When Claire died I was more angry with her for being stupid than with anybody else. She had choices – she could have walked away. [And] I tried desperately to get her away from the bad people.”

He Doesn’t Hold Any Anger

Source: https://images.spot.im/

For Mr. Drury, “I like to keep an open mind on whether this guy is a sinner or someone who is the victim of drugs and until I know the extent of the problem I keep an open mind. So there was no anger, I’m annoyed Claire went with him but I don’t want to see him in hell or anything.”

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