He Forgave The Man Who Took His Daughter’s Life But Will Make Sure Her Life Mattered

She Owed Her Dealer Money

Source: https://www.narconon.org/

Apparently, Claire also owed her drug dealer around $200 at one time. And her dad, Stephen, wanted to be the best father possible so that she could be the best mom to her children. So he decided to get involved in order to help her do exactly that. He shared, “So I settled that debt then I took her down the police station and got her immunity from prosecution and she told them everything she knew.”

Helping Her Fight To Get Her Life Back

Source: https://httpsak-a.akamaihd.net/

Stephen went on to say, “I explained to her that she had to draw up a contract with social services to show that she was going to get clean. And it worked: she followed that programme and got the children back.” And being the incredible father that he was, he shared, “I tried many times to get Claire off drugs and lived with her for several months at one stage.”

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