He Stole Someone Else’s Identity To Save His Own Life… But A Rolex Watch Gave Him Away.

Discovering The Whereabouts Of Albert Johnson Walker

Source: https://ebps.org.uk

Six years after Joseph Albert Walker had gone missing from Canada with the millions he had stolen from family, friends and clients, he was finally found. Walker, who was now in his early 50’s, and his daughter who’s real name was Sheena, was already 21. Her 2 daughters were both obviously under the age of 6. Only Walker was arrested, his daughter, along with her two young daughters, was taken in for questioning about the 6 years since they left Canada.

Almost Getting Away With Murder

Source: https://thechive.files.wordpress.com

Walker already had 18 counts of fraud, theft and money laundering cases against him in Canada since 1993, even before he was caught in England. But what was more alarming was that now he was also being charged with murder and identity theft of one Ronald Joseph Platt. Substantial evidence showed that he was on the yacht in Devon when his fingerprints showed up on a plastic bag on the boat during the investigation.

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