He Stole Someone Else’s Identity To Save His Own Life… But A Rolex Watch Gave Him Away.

It Was All A Ruse

Source: http://storage.parisstaronline.com

Since it would be discovered by the police later on that Walker had taken the $2.5 million with him when he fled in 1990, he had the funding, and most especially the capability of making Platt trust him. And although it’s not known for certain, this was probably the time that Walker began planning on how to eventually steal Platt’s identity to take as his own.

Paying For His Trip Back To Canada

Source: http://www.jasondunn.com

Playing on the fact that Walker knew Platt had so badly wanted to go to Canada, in 1992, he gave Ronald and Elaine one-way tickets to Canada for Christmas, counting on them staying there. He was also able to convince Platt that, before he left, Walker would require him to leave his birth certificate, driver’s license, as well as a signature stamp because of the business they had together. Platt readily believed him and left him all his personal information, not ever thinking that Walker had such evil plans in mind.

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