He Stole Someone Else’s Identity To Save His Own Life… But A Rolex Watch Gave Him Away.

Getting Charged For Murder

Source: http://i3.plymouthherald.co.uk

On April 27, 1998, with the help of a Rolex watch, Walker was convicted of murder and received a life sentence for the death of Platt. Although Walker admitted to stealing from his clients, he never admitted to killing Platt. Despite that, the jury of the Exeter Crown Court convicted him in June of 1998 for murder and embezzlement.

Being Sent Back To Canada


Despite serving time in an English jail, Walker was eventually sent back to Canada when the jail he was in closed, so he was sent back to serve out the rest of his sentence. Walker’s daughter, Sheena, was quite upset about the decision saying, “I believe that he poses a threat, that I need to protect my family from him.” She continued, “I was under the impression that he’d be gone for a lot longer and I would have time to build a better life for my family — just in order to protect them for the future and any threat he poses to us.”

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