He Was A Professional Hockey Player, Living A Double Life As A Bank Robber

Figuring Out His Background

Source: https://supertv2.hu/

Attila would go on to rob 29 various places for over a span of almost 6 years, from 1993 to 1999. But Varju, who was heading the case for almost the entire criminal span of Attila, shared, “We knew he was a soldier or some kind of athlete because he ruled the situation when he was in action and would jump over the counters like a cat.” He even said, “We used to say he was born under a lucky star.” But it would seem that his luck was slowly coming to an end.

Varju Had Enough

Source: http://www.storyonline.hu/

Unfortunately for Varju, he quit as the Robbery Chief in 1998, just shy of one year before they would successfully find and capture Attila. His career had been plagued by an immense amount of failure when it came to Attila’s case, and he had had enough. Attila even iterates, “I gave the authorities a ride so often, it became something of a sport.”

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