He Was A Professional Hockey Player, Living A Double Life As A Bank Robber

Finally Behind Bars

Source: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/

Although Attila was behind bars, he was still considered a legend with a ‘rockstar’ status to most. Songs, shows, even a book was written about his infamous exploits. Then things became quite real for Attila. The police weren’t falling into the same pattern as the rest of the world, and Attila was going to be charged with ‘attempted murder.’ Although he had never hurt a single soul, he had shot his gun one time during a robbery, and the authorities were going to take advantage of that after being made fools of for so long.

Prison Break

Source: http://ddydc3qiky-flywheel.netdna-ssl.com/

Attila was going to do the impossible. He would end up breaking out of a prison that no one else had been able to escape from before. By tying shoelaces, bed sheets and phone cables together, he was able to go down 48-feet from the admin building of the facility he was in and break out of jail. The day was July 10, 1999, and he would end up evading police again for another 3 months.

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