The Menendez Brothers – Pain, Trauma, Abuse, and Suffering from a Powerful Father

Reality Strikes Hard

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Jose, as the two boys said, was very controlling. He demanded a lot from his sons and this sort of pressure took a toll on the entire family. Kitty, on the other hand, suffered from depression and turned to drugs and alcohol for help. Things were slowly falling apart and the family that seemed happy was actually in smithereens. Signs of trouble were beginning to show. The brothers often had run-ins with the law and it was always their father bailing them out of trouble.

Life of Crime

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Lyle and Erik were two good-looking men who found ways to rebel against their father. They lived in an affluent neighborhood and during their spare time, would steal from those around. In fact, they stole more than $100,000 in jewels. But that didn’t seem enough. In a strange twist of fate, Erik seemed to foresee what he wanted to do with his parents.

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