The Menendez Brothers – Pain, Trauma, Abuse, and Suffering from a Powerful Father


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Erik had already been seeing a therapist and the stress of the entire situation eventually got to him. When he went to see L. Jerome Oziel, his shrink, he finally spilled the beans and told the truth. Of course, he also told Lyle what he did when he went to visit the good doctor. The older brother panicked and threatened Oziel if he told anyone.

The Truth Comes Out

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Lyle was upset at Erik. After all, how could he betray their secret to another person? As for Dr. Oziel, he was frightened at the events that unfolded before his very eyes. So, he talked to his girlfriend, Judalon Smyth, about what Erik confessed. Of course, she couldn’t stay silent either and eventually told the police.

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