30 Of The World’s Most Dangerous Jobs


Source: http://www.todayifoundout.com

The fact that an astronaut’s job is basically to fly into space, a place with no breathable air, no gravity and well, no planet to put your feet on, should already be insane enough, but that’s not the only thing they need to be careful of. The launch into space is ludicrous on it’s own, then there’s space sickness, radiation and the risk of cancer upon your return to Earth. And that’s only if you actually make it back.


Source: http://image.wikifoundry.com

Yes, these guys and girls train for this, and yes, they get paid to do it too, but it doesn’t make their jobs of leaping off tall buildings, jumping out of airplanes or hanging off the side of a mountain less freaky. Being a stuntman takes lots of guts and just as much insanity probably. And we haven’t even gotten to the walk through fire or drive a car into the ocean part. But hey, who are we to diss this extreme vocation? These guys are the ones who make all the movies fun to watch.

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