30 Of The World’s Most Dangerous Jobs

Bush Pilots

Source: http://ichef.bbci.co.uk

Bush pilots have the task of flying high above the wilderness as these pilots attempt to put out wildfires, or bringing in supplies where needed. But due to the fact that these navigators usually fly all alone, don’t have anyone in a control tower telling them where to go, or real runways to land on for that matter, the job isn’t easy, nor is it safe. And if he or she happens to accidentally crash into the forest, it’ll be awhile before people even know that they’re missing. And that’s if a bear doesn’t get to them first.

Search and Rescue Teams

Source: Screenshot from https://upload.wikimedia.org

Search and Rescue Teams have the ludicrous job of saving people who are in highly dangerous situations. Those who work this job are trained in some of the most difficult terrains to either swim in or trek in, like rough waters, mountains, jungles and forests. These people risk their own lives in order to save others, especially when there is zero possibility of these victims being able to save themselves.

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