30 Of The World’s Most Dangerous Jobs

Volcano Miners

Source: http://ichef.bbci.co.uk

Volcanoes are a rich source of sulphur, which is the reason behind many Volcano Miners’ jobs. Sulphur is used in a variety of products, including cosmetics, pesticides and personal care products. But for the people who actually collect this chemical, they put themselves in danger every day, entering the mouth of the volcano and collecting it while breathing in the toxic fumes. Not to mention how they cause their eyes to water and for some, nausea. It’s not an easy job but someone has to do it.

Farmers And Ranchers

Source: https://www.inspireeducation.net.au

Farming and Ranch work takes hard work. Given the incredible expanse of farmland, the number of animals that need tending to, the huge machinery and sometimes, harsh weather conditions causes farmers to make shortcuts that cause accidents and sadly, even death at times. Many times too, farms are located far from medical centers or hospitals. And while a few do it on their own, there’s no way for them to call for help if something bad should happen out in the fields.

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