30 Of The World’s Most Dangerous Jobs

Utility Linemen

Source: http://www.powerlineman.com

These truly unsung heroes are the men willing to climb up to crazy heights, usually in the most extreme weather conditions, just to make sure that you still have electricity at home. Not only do they go up to inconceivable heights, they have to contend with rain, thunder and outrageous wind conditions, and that’s not even considering the fact that they can get electrocuted at the same time. And sad to say, they don’t even get paid much.

Landmine Removers

Source: https://sutddesignerstouch.files.wordpress.com

Talk about a job that seriously risks life and limb to accomplish. These brave and valiant men and women endanger their lives in order to hopefully deactivate and remove these dangerous landmines that are basically forsaken tokens of war. Endless times, these mines take the lives of too many civilians, making it horribly hazardous for them to live in their own hometowns. Thank goodness there are people willing to suffer the consequences of removing them so that thousands of other lives can be saved.

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