30 Of The World’s Most Dangerous Jobs


Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org

Being a lumberjack isn’t just about big muscles, big saws and big mustaches. This job entails immense skill, great navigational expertise and the ability to handle huge machinery against even bigger trees. Then, as a lumberjack, one needs to watch out for falling branches, logs and tree trunks as well, usually in workplaces that are very far away from any hospitals too.

Mountain Guides

Source: https://img-s-msn-com.akamaized.net

Just like the name suggests, a Mountain Guide is someone that people hire in order to help them reach the peak of an implausibly high mountain. While Mount Everest is considered the ‘glory’ of Nepal, it is also the one place that most hikers dream of climbing and reaching it’s peak. But being an actual mountain guide also means that he or she is up against insurmountable odds with the weather, the wind, the actual mountain and the lives of those entrusted to his or her care. This is definitely not a job for the faint of heart.

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