This Is What It Was Like To Grow Up With Notorious Serial Killer Jeffrey Dahmer

Attacked In Jail


An attempt on Jeffrey’s life happened in July of 1994, but at the time, he wasn’t killed. Then on November 28 of that same year, while Jeffrey was working with two fellow inmates, one of them turned on Jeffrey and the other prisoner, killing them both with a 20-inch iron bar by bashing them both on the head multiple times. And while people were indeed happy about the fact that Jeffrey was now dead, his parents were not. His mom even said, “Now is everybody happy? Now that he’s bludgeoned to death, is that good enough for everyone?” Although for the victims and their families, this may not even feel like justice, as Jeffrey’s rotting in jail may have seemed more fitting than him getting killed at 34-years of age. It would seem his suffering was over, while the families of the victims would have to mourn their loved ones until their own deaths.

My Friend Dahmer


The story of Jeffrey Dahmer has been shared over and over again in movies, books, documentaries, even through interviews that Jeffrey himself gave. And what has been shared are mostly his horrific forms of torture, death, manipulation, rape and other ghastly deeds that he performed for over 13 years of his life. But one particular movie is based on the book that one of Jeffrey’s classmates in high school had written about him called, “My Friend Dahmer.”

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