Undercover Officer Busts Cargo Ship Carrying Illegally Poached Cargo

Who Else Is Part Of The Problem?

Source: http://img.gulf-times.com

Part of the issue with Shark Finning is that not all species of shark are considered illegal for trading. In fact, this means that it leaves the “policing” of the actual shark finning to the major companies who ship them, rather than those who produce them. For this purpose, Sea Shepherd is trying its hardest to do what they can to protect the world’s oceans, but unfortunately, they cannot police them all.

Trying to Spread Awareness

Source: http://cdn.iflscience.com

Although many of the major cargo companies are trying to do what they can in order to help with the illegal shark finning trade, getting the word out to the public is just as important. People who eat and trade sharks fin need to understand the agonizing problem of how exactly this “delicacy” is made. And although the stories are getting out there, regrettably there are too many people who just don’t care enough to do anything about it.

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