21 Signs and Symptoms of Gallbladder Disease

2. Severe Itching of the Skin

Source: http://www.holisticcenteratbristolsquare.com/

Severe itching of the skin can be caused by problems of the gallbladder, the organ that stores and concentrates bile from the liver. This severe itching, called cholestatic pruritius, results when bilirubin and other waste products in bile accumulate in the blood.

But how do they end up there?

When the liver, gallbladder, or biliary tract become compromised by disease, the flow of bile slows down or comes to a halt, unable to reach the gut where it passes to be later excreted with stool. This causes conjugated bilirubin and other waste products in the bile to reflux or flow back into the blood stream where they accumulate.

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