12 Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure That You Should Be Aware Of

9. Swollen Feet and Ankles

Source: https://54health.com

The increase in blood pressure between your heart and lungs, also known as Pulmonary Hypertension, may cause swelling of the feet because of impaired circulation. The high blood pressure in the lungs prevents blood from entering the lungs, causing it to back-up and pool in your lower extremities, particularly the ankles and feet. This swelling is called edema and is a sign that you may be suffering from high blood pressure.

Pulmonary hypertension or an increase in blood pressure between the heart and lungs can lead to a right-sided heart failure or dysfunction, a condition in which the right side of the heart becomes enlarged and does not pump as efficiently. This causes swelling in the lower extremities and could also be accompanied by shortness of breath, fatigue, chest pain and bluish discoloration of the lips.

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