12 Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure That You Should Be Aware Of

2. Splitting Headaches

Source: https://indianexpress.com

There isn’t a person on Earth who doesn’t get a headache and one of the many causes of those terrible headaches could be high blood pressure. Most of us take splitting headaches for granted, thinking them merely as signs of fatigue, maybe even blaming that last shot of tequila you had the previous night. You may be right if those headaches come seldom and far in between but, having them constantly and often, could be a sign that you are suffering from hypertension.

The frequency of one’s headaches could be a sign that one is suffering from high blood pressure and should be taken seriously. Extremely high blood pressure, also known as malignant hypertension, causes the vessels surrounding the brain to swell. This swelling can become very painful, causing severe migraines or severe headaches especially if left uncontrolled.

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