12 Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure That You Should Be Aware Of

8. Bluish Skin tone

Source: https://beaut.ie

Discoloration of the skin, especially when it turns blue, a condition also known as cyanosis, signals a lack of oxygen in the blood. Red blood cells are responsible for the transport of oxygen to the different parts of the body and are bright red in color when oxygenated fully. Blood that has lost its oxygen loses it bright red color, turning bluish-red to almost purple. High blood pressure can result in the inadequate oxygenation of blood, causing one’s skin to turn bluish in color.

Increased blood pressure makes it difficult for the heart to pump blood effectively, causing a disruption in the proper circulation of blood within the body. This slowing-down of the circulation leaves most of the blood without oxygen because of its failure to reach the lungs quickly. This explains the bluish discoloration of the skin, a sign that not enough oxygen is being transported to the tissues and a grim warning that should be taken seriously.

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