12 Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure That You Should Be Aware Of

11. Chest Pain

Source: https://core.net

High blood pressure often goes unnoticed, with symptoms varying from person to person and signs so diverse that they are attributed to something else entirely. Because of this, people with hypertension only find out that they’re suffering from it when it’s too late and one of these late signs is chest pain, specifically called angina pectoris. Although it is the most obvious sign that something might be amiss, experiencing angina is a grave indication and you should seek immediate help if suffering from it.

When constantly-high blood pressure is left untreated, the potential for developing a heart attack is increased many times over. Hypertension makes the heart work extra hard just to maintain the proper circulation of blood throughout the body, making it prone to fatigue. In addition to this, the elevated blood pressure may cause a blood clot to travel into the blood vessels of the heart, blocking them, thereby cutting the supply of oxygen to the heart’s walls. Once the supply of blood to the heart wall is limited, its muscles stop functioning properly, causing extreme pain in the chest area, the tell-tale sign of a heart attack.

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