12 Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure That You Should Be Aware Of

4. Lightheadedness and Nausea

Source: https://hearstapps.com

Another often disregarded sign of hypertension is lightheadedness and nausea. People often brush these aside as a result of skipping breakfast earlier as they were running late for work. These reason may be true but having yourself checked for high blood pressure won’t hurt as these could also be signs of hypertension.

The various organs in our bodies need oxygen in order to function properly. Blood carries oxygen to the different organs with the help of the heart, which serves as a pump that pushes the blood throughout in order for it to reach all our organs. Unfortunately, the heart fails to pump effectively if the blood pressure is too high, preventing blood rich with oxygen to properly reach the organs. When the brain lacks the proper oxygen it needs because blood isn’t pumped into it properly, we begin to feel lightheaded and sick, which is why these symptoms should not be taken for granted.

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