12 Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure That You Should Be Aware Of

6. Nosebleeds

Source: https://nbcnews.com

Nosebleeds are not to be taken for granted since these should not happen especially in the absence of injury or trauma to the nose. If you experience occasional episodes of bleeding from the nose be wary and note the frequency of their occurrences. if they start increasing in frequency, say once a week, it may be a sign of high blood pressure and a reason for you to have yourself checked.

Nosebleeds occur when the tiny blood vessels called capillaries inside of our noses rupture. This popping of blood vessels results from the high pressure of blood within them, causing blood to escape. These tiny capillaries are somewhat elastic and easily expand with slight increases in pressure so the fact that they burst with hypertension only shows how dangerous the condition could be and should not be taken for granted.

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