The Mystifying Water Hole In Lake Berryessa That Had The Internet Wide-Eyed Has Now Been Finally Explained

The Much Awaited Downpour


The decade-long drought that hit California, an effect of climate change, had dried up Lake Berryessa so much that newer residents in the area have no idea what it looked like. On the day the first deluge poured over the state, residents rejoiced as waters in the reservoir began to rise to its former levels gradually. The inundation of the lake’s dry bed with much awaited water from the heavens also resurrected the reservoir’s hidden secret. Evan, who worked near the lake was the first resident to witness the lake’s secret unfold. Seeing it for the first time in 10 years was so mesmerizing to him that he wanted to find out the mystery why it was there in the first place.

Massive and Terrifying


Kilkus remembers the first time he saw the gigantic hole inside Lake Berryessa. It was enormous with water pouring into its 72-foot wide opening straight down into the dark unknown. The sheer size of the pit drove his curiosity off the charts after witnessing such an amazing spectacle. The titanic hole seemed to have appeared instantaneously after the rains that followed the decade-long California Drought.
What was this mysterious hollow that suddenly appeared in the lake? He had to find out for himself.

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