The Mystifying Water Hole In Lake Berryessa That Had The Internet Wide-Eyed Has Now Been Finally Explained

Murphy’s Law of Averages


“Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, at the least expected time, in the most unusual way.”
In the world of high-tech gadgetry, glitches and bugs will always have its way especially during their operation. Gizmos that normally function during test runs would begin to malfunction at the least expected times and Kilkus’ drone was not immune to this. As Evan carefully piloted his drone towards the hole, warning lights began to flash on his control screen, indicating a malfunction. He feared that his quest to find answers was in peril but thanks to his quick thinking, a potential disaster was averted and he gained back full control of the malfunctioning device.
The search for an answer that was already within reach would have to wait just a little longer.

“Houston, We Have a Problem.”


As soon as Evan regained control of the malfunctioning drone, he piloted it back to shore to properly diagnose the gadget and find out what went wrong. This is not the first time that man’s pursuit of knowledge has been hampered by unexpected eventualities as with the case of the Apollo 13 mission to the moon in 1970 and the Mars Rover Spirit malfunction in 2011 to mention a few. Thankfully, Kilkus’ drone had a much simpler and easily fixable problem: a drained battery.
After careful inspection and a much needed battery charge, Evan was once again back on track.

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