He Fooled His Entire Family And Colleagues For Almost 30 Years, Until She Mysteriously Drowned

Things Got Even Weirder

Source: https://s.abcnews.com/

Just three days after Michele was found dead, the family would hold her funeral, having to say goodbye to their beloved Michele. During her eulogy, strangely, Martin would hardly mention his lost wife, but spoke more about the ‘trials in life.’ And what was even weirder was that he had uninvited Michele’s two brothers. One even mentioned, “We know something was wrong. He thought he could get away with anything, and he did for years.”

Hiring A Nanny

Source: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/

A neighbor would even make a comment that when she visited Martin a few days after to see how he was doing after the tragic loss of his wife and she claimed, “he seemed almost happy.” And just three days after Michele’s funeral, he would decide to hire a nanny to ‘help him with the younger kids.’

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