He Fooled His Entire Family And Colleagues For Almost 30 Years, Until She Mysteriously Drowned

Taking Care Of Michele

Source: https://www.saatvamattress.com/

At home, Michele’s doctor had given her a list of prescription medication to take while in recovery, but it would seem that while Martin was supposedly in charge of administering her meds, on her first night home, Martin told his daughter Alexis to leave her mom alone to rest. But on the very next morning when she went in to check on her, it was said that her mom was “listless and unresponsive.” She immediately asked her father what had happened, and he had admitted to possibly overmedicating her, despite knowing that she had strong reactions to many medications and preferred to take less than what was prescribed.

She Was On Edge

Source: https://img.ksl.com//

Alexis was supposed to head back to school, but she could sense that her mom needed her, especially after her father was being so cryptic about what had happened that first night. Refusing to leave, Alexis took over caring for her mother for the next few days, and they had even spoken about the possibility of something going wrong after Alexis left. Michele complained that the medication Martin gave her made her feel sick and drowsy, and afraid for her life, she told her daughter, “If anything happens to me, make sure it was not your dad.”

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