He Saved 22 People By Holding The Door Closed As Gunman Threated Lives, But He Wasn’t So Lucky

Awarded Romania’s Highest Civilian Honor

Source: http://www.vt-memorial.org/

When people found out about Librescu’s incredible sacrifice to save his students, he would be honored with Romania’s highest civilian honor. According to Rabbi Zwiebel when describing Librescu’s amazing deed, “We try to teach this selfless legacy to the students, and that’s what Torah’s about. Sometimes things are bigger than us.”

He Had Died On Holocaust Memorial Day

Source: https://thisiskettering.com/

Although not everyone believes in coincidences or fate, many felt that it was incredibly ironic that Librescu had been killed on Holocaust Memorial Day. To think that he had spent his life fighting for what he believed in, never turning his back on his ideologies or his religion, while being proud of his Jewish heritage, it would seem that his life left many inspired, despite the tragic way his life ended.

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