He Saved 22 People By Holding The Door Closed As Gunman Threated Lives, But He Wasn’t So Lucky

Teaching In Tel Aviv

Source: http://www.jerusalemonline.com/

While in Israel, Librescu was able to continue his work as a professor at the Tel Aviv University, as well as the Haifa Technion. It was while he was on a one year sabbatical that he made it to Virginia Tech in 1985. And when he first stepped foot in the school, it was said that ‘he fell in love’ with it, and he never wanted to leave.

Most Published Researchers

Source: https://herbzinser32.files.wordpress.com/

He was offered a permanent position at the University, which he accepted whole-heartedly. While in Virginia Tech, Librescu’s career would completely flourish. Not only would he become one of the university’s most published researchers with his papers, he would also go on to write a number of different books as well.

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