He Saved 22 People By Holding The Door Closed As Gunman Threated Lives, But He Wasn’t So Lucky

Jumping To Their Safety

Source: https://static01.nyt.com/

Knowing that there wasn’t much time before the then unidentified shooter, could get to them, Librescu held the door closed as 22 of his students jumped out of the 2nd floor classroom window to their safety below. And unbelievably, while he made sure that his kids were safe and unharmed, sadly he would suffer a much worse fate.

An Incredible Sacrifice


Source: https://www.tabletmag.com/

It was reported that Cho managed to get through the classroom door that Librescu was holding closed by shooting it open. Then as the last student made his way out of the window, sadly, Professor Librescu didn’t manage to escape, as Cho would fire at him. He ended up losing his life to the mass murderer from one of the five bullets that riddled his body. But it was the one to his head that ended his life.

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