Las Vegas Survivor Saved By Marine She Had Just Met Hours Earlier

Sharing The Happiness


Both Renee and her sister Jenn have been flabbergasted at the amount of comments, shares and news stories that have come out regarding Brendan and Renee’s story. On Jenn’s post, which was shared at least 180,000 times, she says, “I am so extremely grateful to Brendan and his selfless act! If he wasn’t there that night, we could have had a totally different day…” She continues, “My sister is my best friend in the entire world and God knew losing her would not be ok with me.”

An Endless Amount Of Praise


Brendan’s bravery has garnered him an immense amount of praise. One particular netizen had said about him, “You are without a doubt a shining example of what people need in today’s world, a real-life role model, just a great young man doing the right thing for no reason other than because you were needed an put others before yourself!”

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