Las Vegas Survivor Saved By Marine She Had Just Met Hours Earlier

Hopeful Romantics

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Considering the amount of chatter that their story has gotten, plus the amount of people who think that Brendan and Renee should be together, the two who are bonded together for life, are just friends, for now at least. Brendan responded to all the people telling them to get married, “I think the fact it went viral is a testament to the people who want to hear a feel-good story despite the terrible tragedy. There’s a lot of hopeless romantics out there but, you know, I don’t really think I have a comment on that at this time.”

Still So Emotional

Source: Screenshot from

On October 3, Renee was still feeling so emotional after everything that had passed, and how can you blame her? She shared two videos of her and Brendan during the concert, right before Jason Aldean was about to come on. She shares, “I am so blessed to be home and alive. Brendan will never understand how thankful I am that he saved my life on Sunday night. He really was sent to me by God! My heart goes out to all the other survivors, those who did not make it out, and every family effected by this horrible tragedy.”

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