Mother Caught With Illegal Drugs On Elementary School Campus. Further Investigation Reveals A Twisted Truth…

An ideal place to raise a family

Credit: Orange County Register

So, Kelli’s family moved to Irvine, a city in California that has consistently been voted as America’s safest city where bars, liquor stores, homeless shelters, and pawnshops are banned. The city has the lowest violent crime rate among American cities. It was the perfect city for Kelli and her husband to raise a family.

The mom everyone knew

Credit: Los Angeles Times

When it came time for Kelli’s daughter to go to school, she sent her to Plaza Vista Elementary School, where she became president of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). From then on, Kelli became “the mom everyone knew” on campus. She loved being around the kids and even waited with them after school ended until their parents picked them up. Although the association had a dollar-a-minute late fine, she never enforced it. She understood how some parents could be held up by a lot of different things.

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