13 People Who Faked Their Own Deaths And Almost Got Away With It

Resurrection Party

Source: http://www.interlude.hk/

Some say that Gulda actually wanted to see his own obituary because he wanted to know what other people thought about him. The circumstances surrounding his fake death are unclear until now but as the story goes, he was found to be alive and well. Soon after, he ended putting on a show in Salzburg, which he called the “Resurrection Party.” Despite his very strange and odd personality, Gulda was considered an amazing performer and received many awards for his work.

What’s The Lesson Here

Source: https://img.purch.com/

If there’s anything that these 14 stories have taught us is that faking your own death is never the answer. Although there may be an uncommon few that have actually gotten away with it, for the most part, it’s very difficult to fly under the radar in today’s highly technological world. And aside from that, pretending to be dead is also illegal. So rather than find yourself behind bars, you might as well just face the music, do your time and get on with your life alive, until it’s your actual time to go.

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