13 People Who Faked Their Own Deaths And Almost Got Away With It

The New York Times Best Seller

Source: https://i.guim.co.uk

While his family mourned him for years, Sessarego was really moving on with his life as Tom Carew. He even wrote a book called Jihad!, which became a New York Times bestseller. While conducting interviews for the book, his kids saw him on television and recognized him as their ‘dead’ father. He was disclosed as a fraud and became increasingly solitary afterwards. In 2009, he ended up unintentionally getting carbon monoxide poisoning, this time dying for real.

Ken Kesey

Source: http://img.thedailybeast.com


The unbelievably brilliant book, One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, was written by Ken Kesey. Kesey was known for his avid LSD use, as well as actually joining in the CIA’s experimental programs on acid and its effects on humans. But it wasn’t just acid that he enjoyed. He was caught for marijuana use and attempted to fake a suicide in order to avoid going to jail for possession.

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