She Wanted His Money, So She Took Matters Into Her Own Hands, And Now She‘s Behind Bars

Supposedly, He Was A Spy


According to Bonnie, “From what I understand he was doing crazy things for the government. Spying sort of things.” But the question that was on most everybody’s minds was, who exactly was he working for? Was he with the CIA, or possibly even scarier, the DEA? No one could say. But many shared that he had spent many years in the 80’s and 90’s between the U.S. and Latin America, which would explain why he ended up in Florida.

She Finally Asked For A Separation


After 9 years of being together, it would seem that Denise had had enough of her pitiful marriage. Although, as the story goes, she was the one who had spoken about killing her husband, she would also end up asking him for a separation. She would send her children ahead with her parents, who brought them to their home in Defuniak Springs, and she would follow soon after.

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