Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer You Should Know About

12. Enlarged Gallbladder


Pancreatic cancer tumors, as they grow, may begin to obstruct surrounding structures causing problems along the way. One of these structures is the common bile duct, a conduit for bile coming from the liver and gall bladder that leads into the intestine. When this passage is blocked, bile begins to accumulate inside the gall bladder, causing it to swell.

Enlargement or swelling of the gallbladder causes a steady and severe pain in the right upper and middle upper portion of the abdomen. This pain, also referred to as biliary colic, is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. It is important to seek medical consult if you experience this kind of pain.

Thorough physical examination by a doctor would reveal a telltale tenderness in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen when pressed. A CT scan is ordered to see the extent of the organ swelling. Blood tests are also important in finding out the presence of infection.

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