Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer You Should Know About

8. Blood Clots


Oftentimes, the first sign that a person might have pancreatic cancer is the formation of a blood clot in a large blood vessel, usually a vein in the leg. This condition, called deep vein thrombosis, is characterized by a painful swelling in the leg which is often accompanied by redness and “warmth” in the affected limb. The danger of this comes when the clot or thrombus detaches and travels to the lungs. When this happens, the clot lodges itself inside the smaller vessels of the lungs, blocking blood flow and causing difficulty of breathing as well as chest pain.

There are different reasons one could develop a clot which means that getting one doesn’t automatically mean you have pancreatic cancer. However, if you do develop one, it is best to seek medical treatment so that the experts could determine its cause accurately.

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