31 Of The World’s Real-Life Haunted Houses That Are Too Terrifying To Even Visit Or Pass By

8. The Whaley House, San Diego, California

Credit: OldTownSanDiegoGuide.com

In 2005, LIFE magazine named the Whaley House as “the most haunted house in America.” According to witnesses, the ghost of James “Yankee Jim” Robinson lives in that house. His footsteps can be heard around it. Robinson had been hanged there. The ghosts of the original owners of the house, Thomas and Anna Whaley, are believed to also appear in the house.

9. The Vernescu House, Romania

Credit: VincentMars.com

The Vernescu House is among the terrifying places in Romania. It was a casino where a number of players were said to have committed suicide there after losing huge amounts of money at roulette. Witnesses state that there could be up to three ghosts who violently shake furniture in the house and suddenly appear before guests in the hallways. A strong, sulfuric odor have been reported around the property.

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